Bad Immigrant 

2024 Creator & performer

Jennifer Irons is a UK immigrant from Canada who was told after Brexit to “go home.”

But she hasn’t lived there in Canada for 20 years, and she’s discovered that according to THEIR immigration system, she would not be eligible for a visa to live in Canada if she hadn’t been born there. They don’t want her kind there either. 

In fact, at her age, qualifications, and gender, the only visas she would be eligible for are for rich people or as an ‘Elite Sportsperson.’ So, inspired by her childhood figure skating hero, ‘Canada’s Sweetheart’ Elizabeth Manley, Jennifer takes up roller skating. It’s here that she finds an ever-moving, welcoming, global and borderless community of people of all ages, sizes, nationalities, sexualities, identities, abilities, and proclivities. 

In Bad Immigrant, Jennifer explores colonialism, belonging and how to perfect the ‘Crazy Legs,’ in this cross between Boogie Nights, Flight of the Conchords and Stars on Ice.

As she sets out to become a champion roller dancer in a hilarious attempt to become ‘Canada’s Next Sweetheart’ she highlights the futility and absurdities of borders, and asks, why do we insist on keeping people out of our group when we all just want to be in?

Conceived, written and performed by Jennifer Irons, directed by Tom Roden with original music by Stewart Baxter. Designed by Nicolai Hart Hansen. Projection Design Harshini Karunaratne.

Book your ticket for the premiere on Thursday 13 Feburary at Worthing Theatre.

Watch the trailer

‘Fascinating, laugh-out-loud funny and surprisingly tender’ ★★★★

The List (for Yukon Ho!)

Creative team

Conceived, written, and performed - Jennifer Irons

Director - Tom Roden

Dramaturg - Lou Cope - Centre for Applied Dramaturgy

Sound design and original music - Stewart Baxter

Lighting - Lucy Hansom

Design - Nicolai Hart Hansen

Projection Design - Harshini Karunaratne

Production Manager - Simon Booth

Roller skating Coaches - Danielle Taylor (Rollerskillz) and Frankie J. Plague (Thereddreadhousehead)

Creative Collaborators - Sophie Passmore and Majid Dhana

Research Consultant - Dario Brentin

Cinematographer - James Westlake

Drone Filmmaker - Beto Lopez

Project Producer - Lisa Wolfe

Associate Producer & Access Support - Georgia Kingsman

Tour Producer - Natalie Richardson-Konzept

Marketing - Andrea Edwards (The Cutouts)

Marketing Design - Tom Partridge

Photographer, Filmmaker - Rosie Powell

Thank you’s

Simon Harriyot and the Branding Needs Work

BK Workshop July 2024

Above Your Nerve and Gemma Leader

Haley McGee

Sophie Powell

Abigail Dooley

Emma Edwards

Ed Kilroy

Léonie Moffat Seaman

Felicia Wong

Mitchell Christie

Tim Casson

Brighton Skate Crew

Portsmouth Skate Crew

the Sky Walkers.

Supported by


Fancy buying Jennifer a drink?